Quote-unquote #19

Photo by Vladislav Nahorny / Unsplash

An Ugly Truth: When you create something, whether they are videos, articles, pictures, or anything else from your mind, sometimes it gets hard to generate ideas. I have been in such a phase for some time now, but I'm keeping my ears and mind open for ideas. I'm talking about this because, as consumers of content, we only get to see the output from the creators but not the process behind it, the dull phases, or the blank state of mind. This is a chance for me to come out and acknowledge that, yes, it sucks, and I'll start writing proper stuff soon. Phew, just typing that one paragraph was exhausting!

Anyway, in the spirit of writing every week and keeping the momentum up, here are some quotes I resonated with this week. Most of the quotes are from people I have already quoted before, but I follow a limited number with whom I resonate a lot. Here we go.

"Our desire to feel right overpowers our desire to be right."
Shane Parrish

"People put limitations on themselves to protect themselves from the disappointment of failure. They then believe they're helping you by sharing those same limitations with you. Therefore, they will feel threatened when you challenge those limitations or prove them wrong."
Mark Manson

"If your opinions on one subject can be predicted from your opinion on another, you may be in the grip of an ideology. When you truly think for yourself, your conclusions will not be predictable."
Kevin Kelly

"Whenever someone says you can't do something — what they really mean is that "they" can't do it."
Mark Manson

"The single biggest thing that separates people is the consistent ability to show up and do the work. The consequences of failing to show up consistently are getting the results you deserve but not the ones you want."
Shane Parrish

"Define yourself by your effort, not your suffering." James Clear

"The best way to improve a relationship is to improve yourself. Set the standard."
Mark Manson

Thanks for reading. Cheers!

Vivek Arvind

Vivek Arvind

Santa Clara, CA